There are a large number of people who hate George Bush, hate his re-election, hate everything he does, simply because he's NOT a Democrat. Their hatred leads them to criticize US foreign policy and the War on Terror, regardless of whether their criticism is real or not. In doing what they do, they are encouraging our enemies and giving aid and comfort to those who hate us.
It would be acceptable if the Left simply disagreed with what's being done and how it's being carried out, and had a coherent plan to offer in its place. Unfortunately, the Left is about as clueless as the fleas on a rat's back, not only about why we were attacked, but also why we MUST fight, and WIN, if we are to remain a free and independent people.
The goal of many of the Left, indeed, includes the destruction of the United States and its incorporation into a single global entity, apparently under a world government run by the United Nations. The lack of success the United Nations has had in virtually everything they've tried to do doesn't seem to phase the Left in the least - they feel all "warm and fuzzy" about the United Nations, and that's all that counts to them.
Life, however, is about struggle. Life is a struggle from the first gasp of breath until the last sigh at death. We struggle to breathe, we struggle to find food to eat, clothing to wear, and a place to shelter ourselves from the elements. Most of us wish to succeed, and struggle harder than those that don't care, or feel that struggling is too hard and everything should just be given to them. The only way to give to those who are unwilling (or the very much smaller subset that are unable) to provide for themselves has to come from somewhere. In real life, it comes from those who struggle to succeed. Governments are not productive - they don't create an excess that can be shared with non-producers. Every dime the government spends comes from someone who works hard for that dime.
The current war comes down to a conflict between two sets of ideas. On one hand there is the idea of personal freedom, private property, and individual choice that has the capability of producing more than is personally needed for survival. This creates profit, and goods that can be exchanged with others for what we personally don't create. The other set of ideas is that everything and everyone should be enslaved to the rigid practice of a religion created 1300 years ago, and that the individual must be totally committed to following these religious practices, no matter how onorous they may be, or how they keep the individual from every succeeding on his or her own. In fact, that idea delegates one-half of the population to even more stringent controls, which not only limit individual freedom, but makes women the equivalent of property to her husband, her father, or her brothers.
The majority of the people in the United States refute that religion and its practices. This is why the Islamists hate us - we refuse to surrender to their religion and its untenable practices. They express their hatred by trying to kill us. They also hate us because we believe in individual freedom, including the freedom to accept or reject any religion offered to us. The Islamists don't acknowledge that freedom - in their mind, there is only one acceptable path - submission to their religion and its god. They hate us also because we believe that governments should be elected by the people, to secure the rights of the people. To the Islamists, there can be only one source of authority - their god, through those who have gained the right to exercise authority by studying the word of their god, or by organizing the tribes under their leadership to worship their god.
The Islamists have decided that we must be conquered and subdued. They have declared war on us, with the open support of some nation-states, and the clandestine support of others. Their aim is to subjugate and enslave us - they have said so numerous times. There are only two responses to their threat: either surrender and become slaves, or fight back. THERE IS NO OTHER CHOICE, AND ANYONE WHO BELIEVES THERE IS IS DELUDED.
We, through our elected leaders, decided to fight back. We gave permission to our President to wage war on our behalf. That's our right, and our responsibility. Once we've done so, however, it's the PRESIDENT's responsibility as to how, where, and in what manner we wage that war. Hardly had the ink dried on the compact that authorized war before the Left realized a president that waged a successful war against our enemies would be hard to defeat in an election, and began undermining the war effort. Losing the war against the Islamists would have far more serious consequences than losing an election, but that doesn't seem to bother those on the Left. They lie, distort, ignore, and belittle every success, while exaggerating every tiny setback into a major defeat.
Understanding the current war is just that simple. There aren't any convoluted threads to follow to understand how it began, or how we became involved. Nor is there any duplicity in how we decided to choose the paths we did to fight this war. The objectives were established and identified to all of us. The methods were decided upon by the professionals in the Department of Defense. The constant harrangue that the war has been "mishandled" is simply the whining of armchair quarterbacks without the experience or knowledge to do as well, and certainly not any better. Those that constantly attack the President, the Defense Department, our soldiers, and those that stand behind them are on the wrong side of the argument, and even they know it. Their words are chosen in the hope that they will sufficiently weaken the President and his party so that those that constantly carp can get elected in their place.
There is no room in a government of free men for a political party that considers its own successes more important than the success of the nation and its people. A political party that puts politics ahead of victory, that puts political gain ahead of protection of the people, is a party of petty dictators and tyrants. The Democratic party has moved from "loyal opposition" to "disloyal power-hungry tyrants". It's time for the PEOPLE to stand up to the Democrats, and to their supporters, and say that they are wrong. We need to say that their patriotism is to party, not nation or government. Such patriotism is the patriotism of Stalin, Hitler, and Mao. It's the "party above all" of Fidel Castro's communism. It has nothing to do with freedom, with representative government, or of success. It's power for power's sake- naked tyranny.
It's putrid and sickening. It's a boil upon the body politic, and needs to be excised. It deserves, and should receive, continued disdain at the polls. Those currently in office, and others who help them, should be treated with the contempt they richly deserve.