"I've Got a Little List"
- Senator Joe Biden
- Senator Barbara Boxer
- Senator Robert Byrd
- Senator Lincoln Chaffee
- Senator Hillary Clinton
- Senator Mark Dayton
- Senator Chris Dodd
- Senator Dick Durbin
- Senator Russ Feingold
- Senator Dianne Feinstein
- Senator Lindsey Graham
- Senator Chuck Hagel
- Senator James Jeffords
- Senator Ted Kennedy
- Senator John Kerry
- Senator Mary Landreau
- Senator Frank Lautenburg
- Senator John McCain
- Senator Harry Reid
- Senator Ken Salazar
- Senator Arlen Specter
- Senator George Voinovich
- John Conyers, Jr.
- Nancy Pelosi
- Henry Waxman
- Maxine Waters
- Linda Sanchez
- Marion Berry
- John Salazar
These people have a problem understanding our very clearly written constitution, and wish to change it through legislation or judicial activism without the approval of the people. They are no longer fit to hold public office in the United States of America. It's time for all people who love freedom to stand together to protect ourselves from these destroyers of liberty.
I request all bloggers read over my list, and recommend additions to it, if you have them. THe people on this list are known to me well enough that I know they need to be "unelected". I also hope each of you will find and publish on your blogs any information, both for and against retaining these individuals in office, so that we can create a thorough index for voters in the next election, and in each one after that. I will gladly create a file to hold this index on my personal website, with a prominent link from my blog. I will allow any blogger to also link directly to my file.
UPDATE: The list is up at http://www.citystar.com/~mweather/littlelist.htm Click here to go straight to the list. Enjoy!
I understand what you're saying, Judy, but I totally disagree. The seven Republicans that created this compromise did so behind the back of Sen. Frist, the senior Republican in the Senate. That has seriously crippled his effectiveness as the Senate Majority Leader, and will have serious consequences for both the Republican Party and the United States. He stays on the list.
I like McCain and Feingold on the list for their blatant violation of the First Ammendment (aka "Campaign Finance Reform").
If Old "Patriot" had been alive in 1776, he would have been helping the redcoats. He's got "loyalist" branded into every message he posts.
ALL of the folks on the list are unelected? Yeah, right.
A static constitution is stupid. Even George W. Bush agrees with that. When it suits him.
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