The Insanity of Islam
First was the Danish cartoons depicting Mohammed, the "prophet that was given the Quran, second was the destruction of the Samarrah mosque, and thirdly was the threat of death to a Christian Afghan convert. All should be an eye-opener.
The Quran is supposedly the "Last Truth of Allah", supposedly the same God as that of Adam and Eve, Abraham and Noah, Jacob and David, Joshua and Jesus. Yet most of the words of the Quran directly contradict the words of Moses, handed down by God Himself at Mt. Sinai.
The whole "faith" of Islam originated with a dispute over who was the true descendant of Abraham - Ishmael, son of Abraham by Hannah, Abraham's wife Sarah's handmaiden, or Isaac, Sarah's son. The Jews and Christianity assert that God chose Isaac to be the "father" of the Tribe of Israel, the "chosen people" to bring His teachings to the world. Islam claims that Ishmael, not Isaac, was the chosen one. Reading the Quran and comparing it with the Bible, it doesn't take long to discover that it's the "anti-Bible". Those differences call into question the entire legitimacy of the Quran and Islam.
First, we need to totally destroy the idiotic assumption that Mohammed was the "last Prophet". God is much smarter than human beings, and knows that His people are going to wander astry from time to time. He's going to need prophets, apostles, and a host of other helpers to bring them back to His path. He's not going to limit Himself by declaring that so-and-so is the "last prophet". That kind of thinking leads to insane beliefs and incoherent practices - as we observe in Islam today. Nor is God going to limit Himself to speaking through a single book - whether it's the Bible, the Quran, or the Kama Sura, or Oprah's monthly magazine. He speaks to each of us, if we're willing to listen for Him. The Bible itself shows how God changed His methods, but never His Message, from Adam through Jesus.
Let's also look at the cartoon kerfluffle for a few minutes. It's an "insult to Islam" to depict the "Prophet Mohammed", especially in a disrespectful manner. God said, "Thou shall have no other Gods before Me". The practice of Islam elevates Mohammed to the level just under God, and his words and deeds, his appearances, are elevated to so rarified a level that it's an "insult" to depict him in photos or drawings. How close to "worship" does that become? There's no such restrictions against depicting Adam and Eve, or Abraham, or Moses, or any other Biblical character (even God Himself) - only the restriction against WORSHIPING likenesses, idols, or any other thing. Islam, and ONLY Islam, carries such behavior to the next level.
One of the greatest Gifts God gave mankind was the ability to choose - to choose to worship God, or to turn against Him. His gift is evident in the behavior of Adam and Eve in the very beginning of His relationship with His Creation. Adam and Eve were allowed to disobey God, to sin. Islam steals that God-given Gift by insisting that everyone MUST choose Islam, or be subject to slavery or murder. The preachings of Islam are often imposed by the Sword (force), rather than by the Will of God. Those that turn against these teachings are marked for death by the leaders of Islam. The teachings of Islam are IMPOSED, rather than CHOSEN, a good indication that this is not the will of the One True God, who granted us the ability to choose. God could have imposed His will with Adam and Eve, but chose not to. Islam attempts to undo this choice that God Himself made. This creates a religion of intolerance, frozen in
place, limited to the capabilities and beliefs of its seventh-century founders. It also limits the ability to make rational, logical decisions from conflicting data, and limits the ability to adjust to changes in the world, and in people.
No other "religion" so controls everyday life as Islam. These controls have limited the growth of Muslims intellectually, scientifically, culturally, and spiritually. Islam is supposed to be the "religion of submission". In practice, it's the religion of slavery - slavery to a particular belief, lifestyle, and behavior where any significant change is considered apostacy and deserving of death. Islam destroys freedom, restricts the intellectual growth of its members, stifles creativity, and limits the spiritual growth of its proponents to the seventh-century mindset of its founder. It's a fraud - a terrible, satanic inposition of a cult masquerading as a " benevolent" religion. There is no need to respect it, cater to it, or accept any protestations it might raise. It deserves no more attention than the cult of Jim Jones in Guyana.
Islam is even more - it is dedicated to the destruction of all Christians and Jewish beliefs. Why? - because it cannot survive in competition against the glorious freedom of the self that Christian and Jewish beliefs grant each person. It cannot compete with any other religion except by force. Forceful conversion is slavery, and must be condemned in the harshest language possible. It is essential that Christians especially, and all of Western civilization in general, understand that Islam poses a direct threat against all freedoms we enjoy. Only the most stringent defense will protect us from the threatening environment of war, poverty, and dispair that Islam brings. We are in a war against a fanatical enemy for the very essence of our civilization. Either we stand against Islam, or we will be overwhelmed by it. Such an event would be a catastrophe for all humanity.