Minor Bleg
Hugh Hewitt is ruthlessly promoting his book, "BLOG" on his website, and encouraging others to do so as well. I need to join the parade. This is a rough month for me financially, and next month doesn't promise to be much better. Rather than ask for donations, I'd much rather offer something worthwhile (IMHO, anyway) to my loyal readers (all half-dozen of you!). I write science fiction. I don't consider myself the next Robert Heinlein, Jerry Pournelle, or Orson Scott Card, but I do think I do a fairly good job of writing an enjoyable read with realistic characters and a believable plot. I offer five novels on my personal website here, for the astonishingly low price of $1.00 each. Take a look, download and read them. Everything is based on the honor system - if you like my books, please pay for your download. If you need them in a different format, I have a couple of others - Microsoft .lit format, rich-text, plain text, Word Perfect, etc. - that I can offer, by request only (they take up too much of my allotted storage space). I accept PayPal, checks, and cash. If you need an address, please email me and ask!
If you like what you read, tell your friends. If you don't, tell me, and tell me why. The only way my writing can get better is from responding to honest criticism.
I need to leave this at the top for as long as I can, and hope I get a positive response from as many of you as possible.
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