The Curse of Living an "Interesting" Life
My primary care physician is making nasty noises and saying that nasty word, "surgery". I've had a lot of problems lately with a sore right shoulder. Three weeks ago, I received a cortisone injection in it for bursitis. My doctor had a half-dozen x-rays taken at the same time, just to make sure there weren't other problems. There were. Next week I get to have an MRI, and that will probably be followed in a month or so by rotator cuff surgery. I also get to go back in two weeks to see if I can get by with just physical therapy or if I need a brace for some osteoarthritis problems developing in my right wrist. Of course, I'm right-handed, and these problems WILL affect my ability to type, either for my writing or my blogging. I'll try to keep posting for as long as I can, but if I disappear for a week or two, you'll know why!
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